Sunday, March 30, 2008


yeah i got tagged(thanks mom)...great for me huh? lol. k, i must now reveal five odd things about me. (what exactly is the point to this?? i just dont understand...)

odd thing #1: i dont know if this is actually something odd, or if its just a curse, but i never wear matching socks. its not like i do it on purpose or anything- i just never match my socks together, and so when im rushing in the morning to put on my shoes, i grab socks and they happen not to match. But i am the kind of person who doesnt care about those type of things, so i dont bother to change them. odd huh?
odd thing #2: i have LOTS of earings! they are big, small, and all different colors. a lot of times people will ask me where i get most of them, but i cant really say cuz i buy them from all over the place. i tried counting them the other day...but i kept getting lost in what number i was on cuz there were to many of them.
yeah- that sure is an odd thing.
odd thing #3: one of my worst fears is baby dolls. i dont know what it is about them (well actually i do- its there EYES) but they just really creep me out. i thinik something that added to my fear is all the scary movies people make about baby dolls killing people. the worst part is- my little sister Emily loves them, and since we share a room they are EVERYWHERE!! sometimes i have a real hard time getting to sleep at night. wow... i have more odd things than i expected. :)
odd thing #4: i love the smell of nail polish. my brothers and dads all leave the room cuz they cant bear the smell of it, but i actually think it smells kind of nice. :) now on to number five!
odd thing #5: i have a habbit of dancing a lot. i guess if just cant stand still or something, but whenever people try to talk to me i will start to spin around or do a weird jig (jk.) sometimes people will ask what im doing (like my sister, emma) and thats pretty embarrassing.
So there you have it- five odd things about me that you didnt already know.

now its time to tag someone to endure the same thing that i did. i tag-



Shelley said...

Hi Colette! Very cute blog! And thank you for wanting to use one of my backgrounds. I've made a couple bubble designs for you. They are on the I Want That blog. One is under Trendy, and the other is under Everyday. I hope you like them! You might have to change your blog layout to the Minima to change the background. If you need help, there are instructions on my blog. Thanks!

Ashley -The Cutest Blog on the Block said...

Hi Colette,

This is Ashley from cutestblogontheblock. Thanks for your comment. I can design a bubble blog facelift for you. :) Otherwise, I don't know where you can find a free one. :)



Anonymous said...

hahahahaha thats funny